During my new year holiday, my family and I visit these popular temples, one is in Chiang Rai and one is in Chiang Mai.
Beautiful story behind This Art designed temple in Chiang Rai “Wat Song Khun – White temple” as if we want to experience the most beautiful heavenly place in life we must walk through hell and not back out.
What you need to have with you are love with all your heart and absolute faith.
*having your eyes on your heavenly place.
*trust the process as it’s the right path for you.
*self love unconditionally.
And Another Temple that’s in Chiang Mai also inspiring place. There are many life quotes right around these temple areas. At the bottom of the temple there are many tunnels and at the end of each one has a statue Monk. There’s Only one way out to the top of this temple.
I see this temple designed like a complexity of our minds, at the end of each of tunnel is the light 💡 of understanding. And above of all tunnels is a beautiful place in life.
Big thanks to those who share their knowledge through stunning and inspiring Art.
Wishing you all live a happy fulfilled life.