Introduce Good Life God Life.

My name is Wilaiwan Schultz.  Good Life God life is my personal blog.  I want to create a site that has everything I enjoy doing.  I want it to be a Center for all my desires, a place where all my works are displayed and to inspire others to live a fullest life 

About Me

I am Thai.  I met an Australian man, the love of my life.  I got married and then not long after, I had to move to Australia for work and an opportunity to get ahead in life.  For the first 6, 7 years, I always missed my family and my home country so much that my chest got tight and then my tears started to drop. 

A few years back, I had been lost, what I value about life had been taken from me.  At the time, I thought success will free me.  So, I committed myself to study success.  For the 18 months I spent 7 hours a day or more on top of my full time job.  On the weekend I spent all day up until midnight easy, on building my skills, looking for the market, I gave my all 110% to the life I wish to live. My body struggled to get through.  I felt like My last breath was about to end.  But my mind still focused on my goals. 

In the middle of that time, my husband and I, we grew apart, we argued a lot about me not looking after myself, stop going to gym and didn’t give time to him because I was always on my computer, … but at the same time I believe we also couldn’t imagine life without one another.  I remembered one night I wish that I will meet someone like me and everything will work out for me.  And about three months after I met that person, I felt connected.  I felt like he is my soul mate. 

The thought of walking away from marriage was unthinkable.  That was a lot to take in. I never felt so much in my life.  And the thought of losing another guy, made me feel like my body and my mind was about to shut down.  I struggled to breathe, I felt really sick. 

So I started to seek a way to overcome all of these.  I came across Wayne Dyer, Nevil Goddard, US Anderson.  I listened so many of Nevil Goddard’s works such as the power of awareness, at your command, and so many of his lectures.  I listened to every day wisdom by Wayne Dyer and many more.  Also I listened to the three magic word by US Anderson.  For 2 years I had been repeatedly listening and trained my mind to be the life I wish to live, every day. 

Good life God life is about the steps that I took inward, how I trained my mind and discovered my true self.  I recognise the state of oneness and know that we are one which led me to understand the nature of life.  Our nature is love, it’s infinite and unconditional.  If we live by this principle, we will experience the magic, our gift and able to live a wish fulfilled life. 

Now I see those memories as a process to the path of finding a happy fulfilled life.  And It made me see life in a beautiful way.  How we think, how we get through and how we overcome it!  whatever we seek, life always provides. 

My desires♥️

I am an inspirational Author. I love to inspire myself and wish it to inspire others as well. I have found all my desires, things that mean absolutely everything and are connected to my soul.  They shake my heart profoundly.

One of them is self discovery and writing.  When life has a purpose, it’s meaningful to live and I want to live each moment in the path which I choose.

Things I love doing♥️.

  • Writing the inspirational book.
  • Capture beautiful things into photographs.
  • Inspiring artworks
  • Pattern designs
  • Drawing 
I see living life is about taking a deep breath and living in the moment. – Wilaiwan Schultz

Good Life God Life

“When you can master your mind, what you can get out of life is limitless.”


Wishing you all feel beloved and live a fulfilled life.