Here is how it came about.

🌸The new beginning
🌸The new life
Hi, my name is Wilaiwan Schultz. For the last 37 years, I assumed I am Wan, try to live up to be a good person. I always wished to be free. The “Good life God life” book I wrote is based on my experience of what I discovered to help me overcome the most terrifying moments in my life.
I have faced the two most difficult times of my life in the last few years and overcome those by love. Through that time, I found my true self. And it’s love that guided me to my greater identity, a divine being, intelligence energy that lies within me, and it’s in all of us.
In the time that I felt like nothing, it felt like I was just existing, and that is when I found who God is, the state of being existing, but it’s so profound within my consciousness. In there, there is nothing else, everything is just one being, and then I recognise the state of wholeness as I AM just being, a quiet silence being, calm and peaceful. I started by writing the loving thoughts and meditated every day. I spent time with nature. My mind remained silent and just observing everything in front of me. I began to notice that people respond to my thoughts. The things I want to experience with no expectation, I wish, and it had happened. I thought if some of my thoughts start to show up, then the rest shall come. I realise then, that I am godlike. It’s the voice of silence within, my very self-awakened in me.
I learned more and more depth of this knowledge of how our mind works, and how our feeling, imagination, thoughts with intention, from a different level of our consciousness can create the reality, as I mention in this book from the beginning till the end and that how the new me begin.

🌸A good turning point
This is my very first paragraph I wrote and it was a good turning point in my life before I discovered my true self and understanding the nature of life within me.
I wrote this in 2019.
Hi, it’s me. I’m not a writer. I’m not good at writing. I have no idea where or what to begin with, but here I am…writing.
It’s funny that somehow I believe that I have something great to say to everyone, the ability to inspire, encourage people….to guide and share how I view things through my eyes.
Are we born perfect?
I think we are , I think I am. From what I remember, I was born with a pure innocent mind. I was born perfect. I was so ready to take on anything, so open minded, ready to learn how I can live well in this world. Everything was so interesting back when I was young. Every experience I had. Every word I heard. All the people that I had been spending time with, my Mum and Dad, brother, the love of my life, friends, strangers or workmates, Some of them made me laugh and Some of them made me cry. Some of them made me proud of myself. Some of them showed me a beautiful world and how wonderful it is to be alive. I think all of these things could be our greatest teachers or, could be the greatest evil to us.
For me, they were kind of both. It made me grow. It had strengthened me mentally but emotionally it kind of shook me up. I felt more of everything, when I love, I love more, when I appreciate, I appreciate more and when I stressed, I also stressed more. I became more self-aware of how I do things, what I should or shouldn’t say. I was afraid of peoples opinions. These experiences had made me lose myself and distract me from what I really wanted the most in life. Those people taught me that life can be hard but I can make it through.
I had been brought up with this kind of belief, my dad always said, “money doesn’t make people happy. Rich people aren’t happy people ,they can’t sleep well at night because of how much debt that they have with the bank. People like us even if we don’t have much money, we sleep better at night, no stress or any worry. we will always make it through the tough time.”
And you know what!!! I believed him. In the most tough times in my life I always make it through, he was right. Later on I understood why I’m not moved by big amounts of money and sometimes I get nervous when I come across to receive a big amount of money.
10 years ago I came across a book called “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”. This book mentioned about “Choice” Who we think we are it is the choice we can make or create. We have the choice that we can choose to believe or not to believe. I have a choice to believe that I not just will survive but instead, I will do extremely well. I can choose to make my life perfect, not just fine. I can choose to believe that life can be fulfilled with abundance, good health, great relationships and freedom.
I can choose to allow or not allow anyone and anything affect me, affecting how I feel. Happiness is always in my hand. I am the only person in this entire world that I have control of, either I keep it or hand it over to someone else. The choice is MINE.

🌸The path I chose
Now I can see, everything that happened to me, it led me to my desire. Because my goal was so big as I just want to be free from all things and to have financial freedom. Everything that happened needed to happen for me to get to this point.
All things that happened to me shaped me into a new person and it guided me onto the path of discovery, the truth about life. This knowledge helps me connect to my higher self which is one with all life.
My book begins from many small pieces of thoughts not even a book, it is just the hand draw quotes and My book begins from many small pieces of thoughts not even a book, it is just the hand drawn quotes and beautiful things I see around me. And through those quotes, the knowledge expands into details and then a year later it forms a book. I was searching to be free, free from undesired things, free from worry, and gain freedom. I want to keep track of what I discovered so I wrote them down. Now It is like my bible for life.
🌸Be that person 🌸

Life is Unconditional L♥️ve.

We Are ♥️ne.

Be That Pers♥️n.